- Eπιστηµονικό Έργο
Eπιστηµονικό Έργο

Athens Medical Group has an academic collaboration with the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF), UK.

European Interbalkan Medical Center is an official MRCOG Examination and Education Center, by the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG).

European Interbalkan Medical Center is, according to Joimax GmbH (Germany), a Reference Center in SE Europe for training doctors in the method of transforaminal endoscopic discectomy for the treatment of herniated intervertebral disc.

Athens Medical Center cooperateswith IRCAD/EITS of the Medical School of Strasbourg, France.

Athens Medical Center cooperates with the Robotic and Laparoscopic Center of the Saint Augustin Clinique, in France.

The Breast Clinic of Athens Medical Center is a full member of the international Breast Centers Network.

The Paediatric Radiology Department of the Paediatric Center of Athens is a “Center for the Assessment of Medical Technology”, according to GE Healthcare.

European Interbalkan Medical Center is a Collaborating Center of Sports Medicine Worldwide accredited by the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS).

Athens Medical Center’s Department of General, Laparoscopic, Bariatric and Robotic Surgery has been recognized as a Center of Excellence for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery by the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO).

Athens Medical Center’s Department of Hand and Upper Extremety Surgery, Recostructive Orthopaedic Microsurgery is an accredited Hand Trauma Center by the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH).

Athens Medical Center is an established by the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Oncologists (IASGO) Continuing Medical Education Center for postgraduate studies.